Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Long time no update, all I can say is that my hands are full of big things right now, but here's a little bit of info on what exactly it is I've been doing.

1. Building the comics collection at the Art Institute of Chicago's Ryerson Library. I was interviewed about the collection by the Chicago Underground Library, which can be read here:


I also drew a quick strip for the Underground Library blog, for the Printer's Ball edition of Comics Sunday

2.Watercolors :)

I'd say we're about halfway done with those....

3. Collaborations, Here's a peek

4. Everything else: New issue of Lumpen will be coming out shortly from what I hear, the comics section is one of my favorites so far. Planning an exciting funnybook related event for next summer/fall in Chicago, and of course hanging out with these folks. New issues of that have hit the presses from what I gather. Make sure you pick one up!